The Polish Copper Employers’ Association is always looking for partners among European employers and industrial organizations to facilitate international cooperation between member companies, exchange of best practices and maximize our impact.
Supporting industrial transformation and exchange of good practices.
With the key players in metal mining and processing as members, the ZPPM has been always at the forefront of industrial changes and emphasised the importance of the European metals mining industry as fundamental for the continent’s economic well-being. Having resilient supply chains whilst ensuring their sustainability and competitiveness is a major challenge for the European mining sector .
ZPPM unites professionals and experts from the mineral resources, industrial, institutional and academic communities, and endeavours to involve regulators, consumers and civil society to contribute towards supporting a competitive and sustainable European economy. We cooperate with universities, research, development and innovation institutes, national and European associations to address the future technological and societal challenges of the industrial sector.
For 2016-2020, we have participated in the following international projects:
In the period 2011-2016, ZPPM was a member of the Polish Technology Platform for Mineral Resources, which aimed at integrating industrial partners, crucial for the raw materials sector. The Platform’s objective was to develop a long-lasting raw materials industry strategy, initiate joint R&D and economic projects focused on innovative technologies and solutions. The members of the Platform were the largest Polish technical universities, R&D Institutions as well as industry companies and associations.
While working on joint projects, we have prioritised key issues related to investment opportunities for the environmentally friendly, cost-effective, economically and socially acceptable industry as well as analysed the impact of international competitiveness and globalization on the position of companies in Europe.
A significant number of our members are copper industry companies, which are the main drivers of economic development of the Lower Silesia region. These include companies that create the value chain of copper exploration and processing, as well as those that provide equipment and services necessary for mining and smelting production. The copper companies are one of the most energy intensive industry in Poland. ZPPM not only observes closely the struggle of our members with rising electricity costs, but also supports actions aimed at reducing them and seeking new energy sources.
Copper is a key material for the energy transition facilitating GHG emission reductions in numerous other sectors, from renewable energy generation, through energy efficient end-use appliances to electrified transport, heating and cooling systems. At the same time electrification of industrial processes as well as affordable energy prices are key elements of further decarbonisation of the sector. ZPMM is following the initiatives resulting from the European Green Deal, focusing on energy and environmental policies. In cooperation with our members we have been working on common position on the EU ETS reform, revision of Energy & Environmental State Aid Guidelines, as well as new carbon leakage measures, like CBAM. In light of the EC Work Programme for 2021, we will continue to monitor EU actions and actively participate in the consultation processes.
Building a competitive industry- training and education.
According to “The New Industrial Strategy for Europe”, a competitive industry depends on recruiting and retaining a qualified workforce. Since the beginning of ZPPM’s existence, the development of skills and competences of entrepreneurs was one of our key tasks. In the 25 years of our organization’s existence, we have organized many trainings, workshops, seminars and conferences to achieve this goal. Below is a short summary of our activities in this area:
Sustainable development of the region – cooperation with local governments and communities
Stable and sustainable social and economic development of communities is determined by the efficient cooperation of various entities operating in the regional and local reality. Without the will, possibilities and activity of entrepreneurs and business environment institutions, these activities will not bring the expected results. That is why the ZPPM role is to activate and develop local economic potential in cooperation with local authorities.
We gladly share good management practices and entrepreneurship through organizing training sessions, seminars and conferences for both members and non-members.
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