Konferencja ” Europejskie Regiony wobec Strategii na rzecz Surowców Kluczowych oraz Gospodarki w obiegu zamkniętym”- 27 Października 2016, Burgos (Hiszpania)
Źródło – strona konferencji: http://www3.ubu.es/ccrms/
Rejestracja: http://apps.ubu.es/formularios/ccrms/
Informacja o Konferencji (w języku angielskim):
This conference will address different topic as the Critical Raw Materials strategy in the European Union and the importance of innovation in Circular Economy and count on important high level local and international speakers contributions such as the EU Committee of the Regions, the European Commission-DG of Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs and the European Association of Regional Development Agencies (EURADA), among others. In this event, the global regional strategy for Critical Raw Materials at EU level is going to be discussed by relevant authorities, at time that a working group interlinking authorities and technologists will be created to develop regional roadmaps in synergy and communicate to EU Commission.
ICCRAM “International Research Center in Critical Raw Materials for Advanced Industrial Technologies” is organizing in collaboration with the Regional Council of Lapland, the European Regions Research and Innovation Network (ERRIN) and Agency of Innovation, Business Financing and Internationalization of Castilla y León (ADE), the high level conference “European Regions in the Critical Raw Materials strategy and the Circular Economy Policy” that will be celebrated in Burgos on 27th October 2016.
The conference is hosted by ICCRAM and will be held at University of Burgos, Aula Magna located in the historic building of Hospital del Rey: Hospital del Rey s/n, 09001, Burgos https://goo.gl/maps/YSM1aF2TZtm
To reach the conference venue there will be available a special bus service on the 27th October from Abba Hotel at 08.15 am. https://goo.gl/maps/YqtgwWRRRJw
How to reach Burgos
Burgos is easy to be reached by plane to Madrid (Barajas Airport), then from T4 in Barajas, you can find a direct BUS (about 20 euros and 2h.30min to reach Burgos) by company ALSA (https://www.alsa.es/). Our recommendation is to take the “SUPRA” bus that offers refreshments and possibility of individual sit (departure from Madrid at 13:15 and 15:15 all days)
Burgos can be also accessed by train (RENFE) from Madrid (Chamartin station), and by car from Madrid Barajas and Bilbao Airport (2h).
Recommended Accommodation
To take the most of your stay in the city, we suggest the following museums and monuments:
Around Burgos:
Źródło – strona konferencji: http://www3.ubu.es/ccrms/
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